CDFW issues catch and release alert

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CDFW issues catch and release alert

Postby flyboy » Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:02 pm

The full catch and release angler alert can be read here

The Kern has not been socked since July 4th. Most days the Upper Kern even above Fairview Dam to JDB is above 70 degrees by 9 am so not much reason to try. Give the wild remaining trout a fighting chance to make it to Fall. No stocking likely planned until October. For other drought affected trout waters you may consider fishing, use the guidelines below.

Protective measures for catch-and-release fishing during the drought include:

•Avoiding fishing during periods when water temperatures exceed 70 degrees Fahrenheit (likely afternoon to late evening)
•Playing hooked trout quickly and avoiding extensive handling of fish
•Keeping fish fully submerged in water during the release
•Utilizing a thermometer and checking water temperatures every 15 minutes when temperatures exceed 65 degrees Fahrenheit
•Stopping angling when captured fish show signs of labored recovery or mortality
•Utilizing barbless hooks to help facilitate a quick release
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