Lion Fire Update

All matters regarding the Kern River Valley and it's communities.

Lion Fire Update

Postby admin » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:37 am

For Immediate Release
August 9, 2011
Contacts: Denise Alonzo, 559-539-2607 ext. 212 or

The Lion Wildland Fire, burning in Sequoia National Forest and Sequoia National Park has reached 20,166 acres since being ignited by lightning on July 8th. Fire officials expect it to grow approximately 150 acres over the next several days, until it reaches the perimeter line to the south along Alpine Creek.

There are approximately 250 acres that are still burning throughout the fire and producing smoke. The Lion Fire is 75% contained by rocky ridges, areas with little or no fuel, previous wildland fires, rivers, creeks, existing trails, or fire line cut through surface fuels. There is no estimate for when the fire will be fully contained within this pre-determined perimeter.

Several spot fires have, once again, proven the ecological benefit and improved firefighter safety of managing wildfire in the Golden Trout Wilderness. Spot fires ignited in areas previously burned went out on their own, with little effort from firefighters. Spot fires ignited in other places, where fire hasn’t burned for over 90 years, took great efforts from firefighters and helicopters to douse the flames before they spread.

“A direct result of the Lion and other managed wildfires in the Golden Trout Wilderness is that future fires should be smaller, and much less destructive,” stated Western Divide District Ranger Priscilla Summers.

Area closures remain in effect in Sequoia National Forest and Sequoia National Park. Visit for maps of the closures. Anyone planning to travel into the Forest’s Wilderness is asked to contact the Western Divide Ranger District at 559-539-2607 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. For those planning wilderness travels in the southern area of Sequoia National Park, call 559-565-3766.
Site Admin
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Location: Wofford Heights, California

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