Best wireless carrier for data

All matters regarding the Kern River Valley and it's communities.

Best wireless carrier for data

Postby genehacker » Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:24 am

I have heard rumors that Verizon has faster data in the valley than ATT.

I am specifically interested in coverage in Lake Isabella and Wofford Heights.

Any advise/insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Best wireless carrier for data

Postby admin » Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:48 pm

Wireless: Verizon may eventually become a factor but right now I don't see any achievements in their wireless. At one meeting with their management group, they said there wouldn't be any expansion of services in the valley because they "Couldn't recoup their investment fast enough to justify improvements costs, what we had was all we'd get." They may have changed their tune with competition rumored but ATT seems to be the valley power tower at this point in time. They bought Xingular a while back, which was the only wireless that worked well the majority of time in the valley. Huge people draws like Whiskey Flat and seasonal crowd bursts for recreation would wreak havoc on the system, sometimes knocking out credit card, ATM and communication services for brief periods. There is talk of other options coming but I've been involved in the mix with various committees and organizations for many years and there always seems to be something blocking progress. A big rural communications stimulus was also supposedly doled that we might piggy back on and take us out of the dark ages but haven't heard anything further.

As far as your broadband post: They still haven't got clearance to lay the cable from Inyo-Kern to Onyx so they can link in at that point. Fibre-optic line has been strung at most major areas of the valley but doesn't help if they can't connect to the outside world. Current semi-reliable broadband is still going through overburdened leased Verizon phone lines and the Mediacom waiting list has to be well over 700, if not over a thousand now. I'd guesstimate that at least 40% of valley Internet users are still on dial-up...if they haven't opted for satellite.

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Re: Best wireless carrier for data

Postby genehacker » Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:20 pm

Thanks for the response. Not good news.
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Joined: Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:52 am

Re: Best wireless carrier for data

Postby admin » Thu May 10, 2012 12:50 am

Finally, a great service, high speed downloads, reasonable prices and no quotas.
The valley now has quality high speed Internet...if you can see Rocky Point or the roof at Primo's in Kernville you'll be able to get set up right now. If not in line of sight, they are expanding and will eventually get most areas covered. Contact Kern Valley Wireless at (760) 376-2246. If you're on a waiting list or paying high prices with quotas nagging you, call them today. Tell them Canyon Connection sent you. We can fully endorse the operation as they're doing everything right and owners are long established and recognized valley residents. Get up and running fast.
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Location: Wofford Heights, California

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