Dear Admin; How far up the 'upper Kern' does the DFG Stock? Also; I guess it is time to ask my stupid question. Does the DFG 'stock' trout or do they 'plant' trout ???
The furtherest upriver the stock the Kern is at JDB. They also stock Peppermint Creek which flows into the Kern above JDB. So theoretically stocked fish likely make their way into the special regulations section for the 4 miles above JDB.
Flyboy - You seem to be the most active poster with the most accurate and up-to-date info on this site. I always look forward to your comments The DFG site shows that the last plant on the Kern was the week of April 21. Is this a sign of problems with the hatchery or 'staffing' or ?? Any knowledge of what is going on.
Fished a few weeks ago and had some good action. All my catch is 'catch-and-release'.
I just returneed from a trip to the kern. Action was slow but steady. I got one 19 and one 22 inch trout above the fairview dam. The rest of the fish were stockers. While I was there DFG came in, Firday. and stocked at springdale south. I talked to a camper who had been there ten days and he told me he saw the stocking truck twice since he got there.