Why has the catching dropped off in some of your favorite Upper Kern spots? Several reasons.
The biggest is total pounds planted by the Kernville hatchery has been dropped dramatically over the last 8 years. In 2008 they planted +185,000 lbs now down to less than 50,000 lbs annually (All hatchery budgets are slashed and expenses have risen).
CDFW plants only sterile trout the last 3 years. Environmental reasons. Kern River Rainbows (fertile) will be reared and planted in few years but for now that isn't much consulation.
Drought has killed off a lot of fertile trout below 4,000' elevation, Upper Kern water temps have reached lethal +75 degrees daily for months below JDB the last 4 summers. Kern got just a about 60% snowpack this year. So this will be better than last year but not good either as we will see +75 degrees again in July through Sept. NorCal did much better this year.
See maps
http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cdecapp/snowapp/sweq.actionBe very glad no major forest fire has occurred to really muck the river up with ash.
So smart communtites have tried to raise funds and hire private hatcheries to stock decent sized trout in spring and early summer. It is expensive to do this. Private hatcheries have to pay a lot for their water now and other expenses.
The crappie bite is great on Isabella and lake is just 12% full so fish are concentrated.
Good luck fishing