by admin » Tue May 24, 2011 12:54 pm
We promote visiting the Kern River Valley at every possible opportunity. However, we won't lie to get our readers spending big bucks to get here only to have a bad experience.
We'll alert you now...Three day weekends have a high potential for a BAD EXPERIENCE. The best spots are taken days before the weekend and held for friends coming up later. The traffic, late loud music, large groups drinking, inconsiderate attitudes, lack of outdoor and river knowledge or courtesy, and inevitable trash piles are historically never conducive to a very relaxing experience...especially for fishing.
When I lived at Roads End there were people sleeping in turnouts during three day holidays. Teams of Tulare Sheriffs have to be brought in and stationed to handle the problems. That is still the case, and more so when camps are maxed.
Our recommendation, since 1995, is to come two weeks before, or the week after any holiday weekend. Stay home, relax and prep your gear for a calmer weekend with less traffic. The fish will still be here. They tend to hide with all the river activity going on and planting is on schedule.
With high gas prices, you have to max your chances for a great time, avoid the holidays.